Jekyll Useful Liquid
  • Escaping double curly braces inside a markdown code block in Jekyll

You can use {% raw %} to ensure content is unmodified by Jekyll:

{% raw %}
    This is inserted literally: {{foo}}
    I'm a code block, because I'm indented by 4 spaces
{% endraw %}
  • Citing the author of a blockquote using Markdown syntax

> Quote here.
> -- <cite>Benjamin Franklin</cite>

which results in:

Quote here.

Benjamin Franklin

  • Create random numbers

{% assign random = site.time | date: "%s%N" | modulo: %}

<blockquote>{{[random].quote }}&rdquo; <cite>{{[random].person }}</cite></blockquote>

The following example is for a number between 65 & 80.

{% assign min = 65 %}
{% assign max = 80 %}
{% assign diff = max | minus: min %}
{% assign randomNumber = "now" | date: "%N" | modulo: diff | plus: min %}
  • Sort Jekyll collection by date

This Liquid loop for Jekyll sorts a collection by date in reverse order

{% comment %}
*  This loop loops through a collection called `collection_name`
*  and sorts it by the front matter variable `date` and than filters
*  the collection with `reverse` in reverse order
*  To make it work you first have to assign the data to a new string
*  called `sorted`.
{% endcomment %}
    {% assign sorted = site.collection_name | sort: 'date' | reverse %}
    {% for item in sorted %}
    <li>{{ item.title }}</li>
    {% endfor %}
  • Pass variable to include

[comment]: # (pass loop index)
{% for kba in site.kbas %}
  {% include article.html index = forloop.index %}
{% endfor %}

[comment]: # (call index as `include.index`)
{% assign random = site.time | date: "%s%N" | plus: include.index | modulo: 30 %}
<img class="lazy" data-src="{{site.baseurl}}/images/photo-{{ random }}.jpeg" alt="{{kba.title}}">
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💻 LA-based Indie Hacker, Full-stack Developer | MSc Cybersecurity | Building a SaaS startup 🚀