POP Tables

POP Tables

Commonly Used Tables:
POP00101 – Buyer Master
POP10100 – Purchase Order Work (header)
POP10110 – Purchase Order Line Work (line detail)
POP10150 – Purchase Order Comment (header)
POP10300 – Receipt Work (header)
POP10306 – Purchasing Receipt User-Defined
POP10310 – Receipt Work Line (line detail)
POP10330 – Serial / Lot Work
POP10390 – Receipt Work Distributions
POP10500 – Receipt Line Quantities (line detail)
POP10550 – Line Item Comment (line detail)
POP10600 – Purchasing Shipment Invoice Apply
POP30100 – Purchase Order History (header)
POP30110 – Purchase Order Line History (line detail)
POP30300 – Receipt History (header)
POP30310 – Receipt Line History (line detail)
POP30330 – Serial / Lot History
POP30390 – Distribution History
POA40003 – PO Approval Control

Status in POP10500:

0 – Unposted
1 – Posted
2 – Voided

PO Status:

1 – New
2 – Released
3 – Change Order
4 – Received
5 – Closed
6 – Cancelled

STATGRP (Status Group):

0 – Voided [this is not a valid according to the SDK, but we have seen it for voided PO’s]
1 – Active (includes New, Open and Modified)
2 – Closed (includes Cancelled and Closed)

[Note: In our experience, when a PO is voided and it moves to the history tables, in POP30100 the STATGRP will be 1 or 0 whereas for a regularly closed PO the STATGRP will be 2. Also, there is a value starting with POPVT in TRXSORCE of POP30100 for voided PO’s.]

PO Type:

1 – Standard
2 – Drop Ship
3 – Blanket
4 – Blanket Drop Ship

POLNESTA (PO Line Status):

1 – New
2 – Released
3 – Change Order
4 – Received
5 – Closed
6 – Cancelled

POPTYPE (POP Receipt Type):

1 – Shipment
2 – Invoice
3 – Shipment/Invoice
4 – Return
5 – Return w/Credit
6 – Inventory Return
7 – Inventory Return w/Credit
8 – Intransit Transfer (thanks to Jesus M. Cruz Narvaez for this one)

[Thanks to Frank Hamelly of GP2theMax for the complete list of POP Receipt Types, as these are not in the SDK.]

DISTTYPE (Distribution Type):

1 – Purchases
2 – Trade Discounts
3 – Freight
4 – Miscellaneous
5 – Tax
6 – Discounts Available
7 – Accounts Payable
8 – Other
9 – Accrued
10 – Round

NONINVEN (Non-Inventory):

0 – Inventory item
1 – Non-inventory item

DECPLCUR (Decimal Places for Currency):

7 – 0
8 – 1
9 – 2
10 – 3
11 – 4
12 – 5

DECPLQTY (Decimal Places for Quantity):

1 – 0
2 – 1
3 – 2
4 – 3
5 – 4
6 – 5

DOCTYPE in POP10550:

1 – PO
2 – Receipt

ITMTRKOP (Item Tracking):

1 – None
2 – Serial Numbers
3 – Lot Numbers

PO Approval Status in POA40003:

1 – Unapproved
2 – Approved

PO Note ID Array in POP10100:

1 – PO Note Index – PONOTIDS_1
2 – Buyer Note Index – PONOTIDS_2
3 – Vendor ID Index – PONOTIDS_3
4 – Comment Note Index – PONOTIDS_4
5 – Payment Term ID Note Index – PONOTIDS_5
6 – Shipping Method Note Index – PONOTIDS_6
7 – Currency ID Index – PONOTIDS_7
8 – Tax Schedule Index – PONOTIDS_8
9 – Freight Tax Schedule Index – PONOTIDS_9
10 – Misc Tax Schedule Index – PONOTIDS_10
11 – Contract Number Index – PONOTIDS_11
12 – PONOTIDS_12 – not used at this time
13 – PONOTIDS_13 – not used at this time
14 – PONOTIDS_14 – not used at this time
15 – PONOTIDS_15 – not used at this time

PO Line Note ID Array Array in POP10110:

1 – Item Number Note Index – POLNEARY_1
2 – Location Code Note Index – POLNEARY_2
3 – Line Comment Note Index – POLNEARY_3
4 – Inventory Index Note Index – POLNEARY_4
5 – PO Line Note Index – POLNEARY_5
6 – Item Tax Schedule Note Index – POLNEARY_6
7 – Site Tax Schedule Note Index – POLNEARY_7
8 – Landed Cost Group ID Note Index – POLNEARY_8
9 – Shipping Method Note Index – POLNEARY_9

Retrieved from https://victoriayudin.com

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